Join Us

Mold360 is developing a highly qualified team across the nation.  You can provide expert mold assessments and clearance reports to insurance carriers, mold remediation firms, commercial and residential property owners.

We will train you and help you get accredited certifications.  You will quickly become the “local expert” in mold assessments.  You will be able to take and analyze mold samples – on site.  You will not need to ship samples overnight and wait for some lab report which will incorrectly report “elevated” or “not elevated”; that is bogus science.

Low cost entry, the best mold assessment training you will find – based on mycology and building science.

We provide all training, support, insurance and oversight.  If you want to truly be recognized for what you know rather than as a “go-between” your customer and some mold lab, you need to talk to us.

If you are interested in developing a sustainable mold assessment business, check out our offer.